Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Preached this morning, St. Kateri / Christ the King, 6:30 and 8a - Tuesday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time

Mass readings:    http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/081313.cfm

Video:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObPlYLiqDU4


                “See that you do not despise one of these little ones” Our Lord tells us in this Gospel.

            As I was pondering this line and preparing for this homily, I received a message from lifesitenews.com with this week’s cover of Time Magazine attached.  This cover reads “The Childfree Life – when having it all means not having children.”   It shows a young couple smiling and relaxing on a beach. 

            And the words of the Lord all made sense.  For if our culture doesn’t despise children, it’s one that increasingly doesn’t value children, that doesn’t see children as a gift, a blessing, a culture that more and more sees children as a burden.  The gist of the Time Magazine article is that children get in the way of living the good life.  And, sad to say, that’s an attitude that’s becoming more widespread.  Kids require self-sacrifice, self-giving, and aren’t those virtues out of style?

            You see, Jesus lived in a time when little children, if not despised, were held in no esteem.  Both the Greek world and the Roman Empire routinely, and legally, practiced infanticide.  It was really the advent of Christianity, of Judeo-Christian attitudes, that put an end to that practice.  But sadly, in our western world that seems increasingly wont to reject the Judeo-Christian beliefs of two millenia, many of those attitudes toward children have returned.  The brouhaha in Texas a few weeks back was entirely about whether 8- and 9-month unborn babies should be protected, or whether they can be legally aborted.  I saw a poll of young people last week which showed a disturbing amount of support for expanding the right to abortion to children after birth.

            And the belief that a fundamental purpose of marriage is the procreation of children has gradually and steadily gone by the wayside.  Our nation’s birthrate is at the lowest it’s been in history, and is rapidly approaching the levels seen in Europe, where a population disaster is in the works, where the birthrate is far below even a replacement level.

            Indeed, if children are a gift, a blessing, from God, then a culture which routinely accepts artificial contraception and legal abortion must give the devil great satisfaction.

            So what’s the point?  Since I know I’m largely preaching to the choir here this morning? 

            It’s simply this – be aware and vigilant about these attitudes, these trends that are all around us, and know that we as Catholics are called to stand in opposition, to be a light in the darkness.  Pope Paul said in Humanae Vitae that the Church is called to be a “sign of contradiction” against the culture in which we live.  You and I are called to always exhibit an attitude of love and respect for children of all ages, born and unborn.  And called to acknowledge that marriage is fundamentally about procreation and education of offspring.

            And pray.  Pray without ceasing.  Placing our trust in Our Lord Jesus Christ, who had a special place in His heart for the littlest ones among us, that we may have the strength and courage to do our part to transform our culture and build His Kingdom here on earth.

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