Friday, October 4, 2013

Preached Friday, October 4 - 6:30a and 8a - St. Kateri at Christ the King - Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi

Daily Mass Readings for Today:


            Thinking back to grammar school days, when we were to learn something, I mean really learn and remember it, the teacher would make us repeat it, over and over, whether conjugating verbs or our multiplication tables or the catechism.

            Well I think the Lord or at least Holy Mother Church must have the same thing in mind because we have the same theme in today’s Gospel for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, for the fourth time this week (and if you’re here tomorrow you’ll hear it yet again!).  Three times this week we have heard that we must be humble like little children and in today’s reading from Matthew, Our Lord tells us that those things the Father has hidden from the wise and learned, He has revealed to the…childlike.  And tomorrow? -  we’ll hear the almost identical version from Luke’s Gospel!

            Obviously, the Lord is trying to tell us something!  That message is that we are to humble ourselves, that we are to empty ourselves of ourselves.  “May I never boast of anything,” St. Paul writes to the Galatians, “except in the cross of the Lord.”

            These readings from Galatians and Matthew are the mass readings for today’s feast in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the saint who comes first to my mind when I hear the word humility.  Francis grew up privileged and wealthy but, like so many great saints, had a profound conversion in his early adulthood, leading him to radically reject the power, and privilege and wealth he was accustomed to.  Rather, he sought to model himself completely after the humility and stark poverty of the Lord.  Who radically embraced poverty, as he did the poor.  Francis made it his mission to be meek and humble of heart, as was the Lord.

            St. Bonaventure, in his biography of St. Francis, recalls this quote of St. Francis:  “Know, brothers, that poverty is the special way to salvation, as the stimulus of humility and the root of perfection, whose fruit is manifold but hidden.”  To Francis, poverty and humility went hand in hand.  And in today’s Office of Readings, we read this from a letter Francis wrote to the faithful:  “We must not be wise and prudent according to the flesh.  Rather we must be simple, humble and pure.”

            This year we should take special note of today’s Feast, I think, in light of the fact that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio chose the name Francis, after St. Francis of Assisi, upon his election as pope this past March.  For in Pope Francis, we are truly blessed to have a shepherd who is endeavoring to be nothing more than simple, humble and pure.  Who is placing special emphasis on embracing and lifting up the poor.  And who wishes all of us to focus, as St. Francis did, on the great love and bountiful mercy of the Lord.

            Let us take time this day to meditate on the life of St. Francis, and ask Our Lord to make each of us simple, humble and pure.  To give you and me the grace to embrace and lift up the poor.  And to be, as St. Francis himself wrote, channels of Christ’s peace to the world around us.

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