Monday, April 28, 2014

Homily for Tuesday, April 29 - St. Kateri at Christ the King - Communion Service 6:30a

Daily mass readings:

            “The wind blows where it wills and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

            This image the Lord uses, the wind and the Spirit, is a powerful one.  There is an inherent contrast in this between the wind, blowing where it wills, and the opposite - being tied down, secured, grounded you might say.  Something in me likes being tied down, secured, grounded.  Likes not having to face change.  Likes the things the way they are, or better yet, the way they used to be.  Something in me rebels against the seeming randomness of the wind – the randomness that He describes “everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

            Yet in my own life, I can see (and only with hindsight can I see clearly, I might add) I can see how the Spirit has been at work, blowing here and there, but leading me to new things and ever greater discipleship.  It was the Spirit who inspired Pam and me, at the time in a very dark and scary place in our marriage, to make a Marriage Encounter weekend.  That weekend literally saved our marriage.

            It was our involvement with Marriage Encounter that led our family to go away to Catholic Family Camp for our summer vacation five out of six years.  And the powerful experience of Family Camp was one of the main places where I heard the Lord whispering to me, calling me to the permanent diaconate – to eventually quit what the world sees as a great job, to go back to school in middle age, and to devote much of my and Pam will tell you – our – free time to this ministry.

            And only the Spirit can tell you where it will lead from here!  I am sure that each of us can look back and see how the Spirit has blown this way and that throughout our lives, leading us from all over to join in community here at 6:30 this morning, listening to His Word and receiving His Body in Communion. 

            I think what the Lord is saying to us is this – while we naturally like to be tied down, secured, in-control, unchanging - to live in the Spirit, to live the fully Christian life, we are called to cut the ropes that tether us and let the Spirit move us where He will.  That is what the Lord is saying it means to be born again – to be born from above.  To live in the Spirit, and to be open to all of the changes God has in store for us.  To follow Him wherever He goes.

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