Tuesday, February 10, 2015

May God have mercy on us all

Despite the fact that it has an upcoming case on its docket, the Supreme Court refuses to stop a Federal District Court judge's order that Alabama begin recognizing so-called "gay marriages" at once.  The institution of marriage, founded on the God-created complimentarity of the sexes and for the procreation, care and education of children, is under severe attack in our once-great nation. 

Because of the Supreme Court's lawlessness (making laws where there were none), more than 57 million unborn children have been butchered in our nation since 1973, and for every one of those victims killed, there was a mother and father hurt and scarred.

And now the Supreme Court is about to do the exact same thing - lawlessly overturn the laws of nearly every one of our states and by raw, judicial fiat, usurp the constitional powers of the states and Congress and create out of whole cloth a new "right."  And in the process redefine that which was defined by GOD.

Our nation is quickly rejecting the moral foundation upon which she was founded, and will suffer the consequences - she is a tower burning, destined to fall, and the SCOTUS is pouring gasoline on that fire.

May God have mercy on Justice Anthony Kennedy, who has single-handedly kept abortion-on-demand the law of the land, and will now author the "opinion" that our constitution guarantees a right to homosexuals to marry each other.  Mr. Kennedy is, apparently, the most powerful person in our nation, reports to no one, and has a job for life.  Well let me tell you this, Mr. Justice - you do report to someone and you will have to account for your life to HIM.

May God have mercy on the United States of America. 

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