Thursday, November 12, 2015

Homily for Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - Feast of St. Martin of Tours and also Veterans Day - preached at 6:30a Christ the King Church

Mass readings:

If you’re at Mass two weeks from tomorrow, Thanksgiving morning, you’ll hear this very same Gospel proclaimed.  Which is quite appropriate for that day, as this Gospel is a beautiful story of thankfulness – it’s all about thankfulness.  The ten lepers went off, and one, upon realizing he was healed, came back to glorify God and fall at Jesus’ feet in thanksgiving.

But Jesus asks the key question – where are the other nine?  He’s rightfully pointing out the real problem – with those nine lepers, and with you and me.  Too often we fail to be thankful, too often we take our blessings for granted. Or worse, we come to believe we are somehow entitled to what is really God’s gratuitous gift. 

The feast of Thanksgiving is about recognizing, for one day at least, our giftedness.  It’s about recognizing that we have a fundamentally unbalanced relationship – God is the gracious giver and we are the unworthy receiver.  That all that we have, our relationships, our material goods, our faith, our very lives! – are gifts from God which we can never repay.  So all we can do is give God our deep gratitude.  And out of deep gratitude, freely share our gifts with others.

Today is a day for recognizing, for one day at least, the gift we’ve been given by our veterans.  We all desire peace and freedom and long for the day when there will be no more wars.  But until that day comes, we live in a world in which military service is necessary to secure our safety, freedom, and peace.  It’s so easy for us to take the blessings of peace and freedom for granted, forgetting the great sacrifices paid by our veterans to secure that peace and freedom.  And so we pause today to give thanks for our veterans, and to our veterans, for their great sacrifice and service to us and our nation.

And as Christians we pray for that day when the Kingdom of God is fully realized, that day when the need for standing armies is a thing of history, that day when all people and all nations may live together in true peace.

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