Sunday, December 30, 2012

Preached yesterday and today, St. Kateri Parish, Christ the King site

Readings   1 Sam 1:20-22,24-28;  Ps 84:2-3,5-6,9-10;  1 John 3:1-2,21-24;  Lk 2:41-52

            If you’re looking for a good book to read, I highly recommend this one – The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.  It’s a quick read, a thought-provoking, sometimes funny, deadly serious look at the struggle between good and evil, vice and virtue, temptation and grace. 

            The book is a series of letters from a worldly, wise old devil named Screwtape to his nephew, Wormwood, a novice demon who is just learning the ins and outs of temptation in service of the one whom Lewis calls “Our Father Below.”  This is of course, Satan.  Wormwood has been assigned a human to tempt and his task is to lead his human further and further away from God, whom Screwtape calls “the enemy.” 

            This book came to mind as I was pondering the current state of the family in our nation and our world.  For I could imagine a letter from Uncle Screwtape in which Screwtape spells out Our Father Below’s master plan of attack.  Attack in an attempt to bring havoc to God’s people and lead them astray. 

            The letter I imagine would go something like this:

                My dear Nephew Wormwood,

            In the interest of your continued education in the ways of temptation, I would like to explain to you Our Father Below’s latest plan of attack against the enemy.  The great war nearly achieved all of our objectives, but in the end was a failure.  So rather than to conquer by force, the new plan is much more sly and devious!  The new plan is to attack from within – to attack the Christian family.  For the enemy’s servant John Paul spoke the truth when he said “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.”  So, my dear Wormwood, if we are able to destroy the family, we will destroy their entire world!  Which is our goal, to be sure!

            So here are a few of the specifics of the plan:

1.       We must completely devalue their institution of Marriage.  We must advance the idea that Marriage is disposable, that Marriage is unnecessary, that they can get along fine without it, that it’s perfectly acceptable to conduct relationships as they please, without the unnecessary burden of commitment and responsibility.

2.      We must spread the idea that their sexuality can be separated from procreation.  That they be in complete control.  After all, the fewer their children, the better!  And it’s fine if they welcome God our enemy into their homes but by all means, keep him out of their bedrooms!

3.      And we wish them to view their sexuality as entertainment.  Either as a participant sport or a spectator sport.  Banish from their minds any idea that sexuality is a sacred gift from God!

4.      This thing they call television – we will make sure there are few good role models of healthy marriages and healthy families to be seen there.  On the contrary, we will use the media to reinforce all of the ideas I’ve outlined above.

5.      Finally, Wormwood, and this is the most important – keep them as far as you can from Church.  Let them see Church as one entertainment option among many, and give them all sorts of distractions that keep them away.  For there they will find the perfect model of the Christian Family, there they will find Joseph, Mary and Jesus, and Our Father  Below is no match for their power!

Well, my dear Wormwood, there are many other details to this master plan that I will share with you when we are together next week.  Until then, keep warm.

                                                                                Yours affectionately,     Uncle Screwtape

                This letter, of course, is a figment of my imagination.  But, based on what we’ve seen in the last fifty years, it sure is plausible!  For without question, Marriage and the Family are under attack and are severely strained in our contemporary worldly culture.  And there is good reason – for the Family, which Vatican II calls “the Domestic Church,” is the bedrock of both our civilization and our Faith.  And, according to the Pope, the family is the first way of transmitting the Faith. 

            And that’s why the current state of affairs is so distressing.  41% of births in the U.S. are out of wedlock (it was about 5% in 1960) and that figure is rapidly rising toward 50%.  15 million children live without a father.   And while we praise those single mothers who choose life and work long and hard to raise their children and bring them up well, single motherhood is the single leading predictor of both poverty and crime in our nation.

            That’s the bad news. 

            The good news is this – the Family is a creation of God and a significant part of our building the Kingdom of God is rebuilding the Christian Family.  And we have confidence that it is a battle that Our Blessed Lord is engaged in and will win. 

            You and I are called to take up this battle as well.  And how do we do that?  First, by prayer – prayer for healthy, strong and holy families.  Next, by doing all we can to make sure our own families are as strong, and as holy, as they can be.  Make no mistake, no family is perfect.  Every family has its share of disfunction, of disunity, of sin.  I stand before you as a husband and father who has made my share of mistakes and brought my share of pain to my own family.

            But you and I are called to strive, to do all we can to strengthen and make holy our families.  Here are just a few ways to do that, and I’m sure you can think of more:

            First, come regularly to church.  Here we come together to worship and give thanks to God.  Here we are called and formed to be His Church.  Here we receive His forgiveness and are strengthened by His Eucharist, to go forth and be His presence in our families and in the world.  Go regularly to confession and don’t miss Mass.

            Next, pray together as a family.  There is great wisdom in that old adage “the family that prays together stays together.”

            Third, get help when needed.  There are all kinds of resources to help you to build the kind of Marriage, the kind of family, which God desires for you.  Nine years after our wedding day, my wife and I were in a pretty bad place in our marriage.  By God’s grace, we went on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend that was like a u-turn in our lives together.  Words can’t describe how much joy we’ve experienced as a result of that decision.  More recently, we had family issues and had no idea how to deal with them.  A wise family counselor helped us to sort things out and where needed, to change.

             Fourth – There may be teachings of the Church on marriage and sexuality that you have trouble with or disagree with, that you find problematic.  It that’s the case, I urge you, with an open mind and prayerful heart, to look anew at the Church’s teachings about marriage and sexuality, to read up on them and learn why the Church teaches what it does.  A good place to start is to read up on Blessed John Paul’s Theology of the Body – it has been life-changing for me and our family.

            Finally and most importantly, we must stay close in prayer to the Holy Family.  Stay close to Our Blessed Lord, his foster-father Joseph and Blessed Mother, Mary.  They give us a perfect model of the qualities we should strive for, in our lives and in our families.  We see in Mary her humility and complete surrender to God’s will.  We see in Joseph, her most chaste spouse, the values of hard work, trust, and complete self-giving.  We see in Our Blessed Lord the values of obedience, devotion and love.  Let us entrust our families to the intercession, and protection, of the Holy Family of Nazareth!
Let us pray:

            O God, Heavenly Father, it was part of your eternal decree that your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, should form a Holy Family with Mary, His blessed mother, and His foster father, Saint Joseph. In Nazareth, home life was sanctified and a perfect example was given to every Christian family. Grant, we beseech Thee, that we may fully comprehend and faithfully imitate the virtues of the Holy Family so that we may be united with them one day in their heavenly glory.  Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.


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