Thursday, February 7, 2013

Preached this morning - St. Kateri at Christ the King, 6:30a and 8

Today's readings:

            I’m afraid I’m too old to remember the first time my mom and dad let me drive the family car alone, after I got my drivers license, but I can recall that each time my three daughters asked for the car keys to make their “first solo flight,” I was filled with fear and trepidation.  After all, I had been the one who spent the most time teaching them to drive.  I had tried to remain patient each time they hit the curb parallel parking, and all the times I said “slow down you’re going too fast.”  But my fear was strong and I couldn’t help wondering - had I taught them well enough?  And now, some years late, this fear isn’t really any less whenever my girls get in the car to drive now hundreds of miles.

            I imagine that Jesus must have felt some fear and trepidation as well, sending out the apostles in these six groups of two, to go and preach repentance, drive out demons, anoint with oil and heal.  To go out without him there to watch and guide them.  “Have I taught them well enough?”  he must have thought to Himself.  But our Gospel tells us that He had – for they met with great success in their healing and preaching.

            This successful trial, if you will, is a foreshadowing of the great commission at the end of Mark’s Gospel, when Jesus sends the eleven out into the whole world to “go and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”  When He instructs them, “whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

            What we have here, in fact, is a foreshadowing of the Church!  For Jesus didn’t leave us alone to take up His mission and preach His word by ourselves.  And Jesus didn’t leave us a book to read either.  What Jesus left us was a Church – such as it was.  He entrusted to this ragtag group of apostles and disciples – sinful men and women each – to them he entrusted his word, his legacy and his entire mission! If you stop to think about that –you just have to laugh and wonder if the Lord lost his mind!!  John Eldredge says it well in this book I’m reading, Wild at Heart – Eldredge writes:

Have you thought about his handling of the Gospel?  God needs to get a message out to the human race, without which they will perish…forever.  What’s the plan?  First, he starts with the most unlikely group ever- a couple of prostitutes, a few fishermen, a tax collector.  Then he passes the ball to us.  Unbelievable!

            Did he lose his mind?  No, of course not.  He sent His Spirit!  And empowered by the Holy Spirit, made fearless by Christ’s spirit within them, this motley crew went forth to become the foundation of His Church, which has stood for 2,000 years.

            And just as the twelve were sent out in this Gospel, you and I are now entrusted with his word and sent forth to carry on his legacy, to live out his mission!  Think about that – you and I!  And no, the Lord has not lost His mind, for He is still with us – in the gift of His Body and Blood and He continues to send us His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, to give us together the power and strength and courage to go forth to be His living and healing presence in our world.

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