Saturday, January 17, 2015

Daily Mass preaching - January 16, 2015 - 6:30am Christ the King


            Sometimes it helps to place ourselves inside the Gospel, as if we were there, watching and participating in the goings on.  And if I were there that day, the question that would come to mind is this – what was it about this Jesus that would cause these four to go to such great lengths to get their friend in front of Him?  We are at a bit of a disadvantage, since the Jesus to Whom we are called to give our lives, we know mostly through the words in this book.  But what was it about Him for those who knew Him, who experienced Him personally?  That would cause them to go to such great lengths?

            Obviously, there was great charisma, a great attractiveness – people crowded Him, wanted to be close to Him, in this Gospel, wanted to “get in His face” so to speak in modern parlance.  It is obvious that people yearned to be with Him, to be close to Him. 
            And obviously He was a great healer, whose reputation was spread wide and far.  What the friends may not have known, but what we learn in this passage, is that Jesus was not only a healer of body, but also of soul, of spirit.  He healed physical ailments but also, by mercy, by forgiveness, He healed sin – “your sins are forgiven.”
            Sisters and brothers, this same charismatic, attractive Jesus beckons us today to come close to Him.  He invites us, even, to interrupt Him and bring to Him all our physical ailments, yes, but especially whatever spiritual burdens and sins we carry.  And the place where He particularly awaits us is in the confessional, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Imagine if folks had to break in through the roof to encounter Him and His mercy – and they’d have to, if only the world realized Who is here.
            My friends, Our Lord beckons us to interrupt Him, as did these four.  With our fervent prayers.  With our plea for His mercy in the confessional.  And here at the altar as we come to Him and partake of His very Body, Blood, soul and divinity.  And He calls us to take His presence, his charisma, His attractiveness, His healing mercy and forgiveness – out there into a world yearning to know Him.

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