Friday, January 2, 2015

Preached Jan 1 2015 - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God


“Google is your friend,” is what I often tell my daughters, and my wife, whenever they ask me questions that can easily be looked up.  I know – a little bit snotty of me to answer like that, huh? 
Yesterday I was curious about something so I got on google and googled “famous mothers in history.”  Interesting lists, on the websites that came up.
One site, called “,” lists eight famous mothers in history – they list Cleopatra, Olympias (the mother of Alexander the Great), the physicist Marie Curie, Queen Victoria, Queen Isabella, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor of Acquitaine, and Maria von Trapp - of Sound of Music fame!
Another site, run by the history channel, gives a top five moms in history - three are in common with the other list - Cleopatra, Olympias and Eleanor of Acquitaine, but this list adds Jackie Kennedy Onassis and Angelina Jolie to give the list a more modern flair.
Now I must say - as I was reading these lists, I sat there in shock, as nowhere to be found on either list was the most famous, and not-even-close, most important mother in history, of course I’m speaking of Mary, whose great feast we celebrate this day, whose motherhood we celebrate today. Everybody knows that the second Sunday of May is Mother’s Day, but today is also Mother’s Day, for today we celebrate the Motherhood of Mary, the Mother of Our Lord.
Now the word “mother” – if we stop to think about it – implies relationship.  Two relationships, actually.  Relationship with father, and of course relationship with child. 
In the virgin Mary’s case, the father relationship is with God, for Our Blessed Lord was conceived by the Holy Spirit.  Her relationship with God was one of great faith, of great trust, of great love.  Her fiat, her “yes!” to the angel is the greatest example we have of self surrender, of self-giving love of the Father, next to Our Lord’s “yes” to His passion and death on the cross.  For without both “yesses”, we would not be saved.
And “mother” means relationship with child.  In Our Lady’s case, with Our Blessed Lord, her Son, Jesus the Christ.  True man and true God.  By the incarnation of Christ, Mary became “theotokos” – a Greek word meaning God bearer, Mother of God.  Now thinking back to the lists I mentioned, some of those mothers were famous in their own right – Harriet Tubman, Marie Curie, Queen Victoria – famous women who also happened to be mothers.  But some were famous because of their offspring. The mother of Alexander the Great.
            And that is certainly the case with Mary.  Her renown is due to her relationship with her Son, Our Lord, without Whom I daresay we would never have heard of this poor, humble Jewish girl.  She was certainly holy, immaculate even, but we attribute even those qualities to the merits of her Son, of His death and resurrection.  Now I’m pretty sure Mary wouldn’t take offense to my saying her fame, her renown, is due to her famous Son.  No, in fact I think she would insist on it. 
You see, Mary was all about her Son.  Her life on earth, and her life in heaven, have been about one thing and one thing only – humbly pointing the way to her Blessed Son, our Savior. Leading us to Him.    Our protestant brothers and sisters have it wrong when they accuse us Catholics of worshipping Mary.  We venerate her, we honor her, to be sure, but as the earthly Mother of God Himself, the last thing she would want, the last thing she would tolerate, is worship.  For to Our Blessed Lady, it’s all about Him, all about Her Son.  She points the world to her Son, by whom the world is redeemed.
But - she also points her Son to us.  For we, too, are her children.  The Lord Himself, as he hung upon His Holy Cross, entrusted His Blessed Mother to His beloved disciple, and entrusted him to her.  At the same time, He was, quote - “intending to offer his Mother as Mother to all mankind,” as Pope St. John Paul II wrote.
So it is – she is our mother, too, and we are entrusted to her gentle, tender care, and she acts as intercessor before her Son, on behalf of us, her spiritual children.  Mary, Mother of God, is also our mother, and that is a wondrous thing!  Not only do we have a spiritual mother to whom we can turn, who has “been there, done that” in all the joys and sorrows of earthly life, but she also intercedes for us before the throne of Her Blessed Son!  And one thing I know about mothers – they defend, they come to the aid of, they stick up for their children.  So it is with Mary, Mother of Jesus and mother of the Church!
Ponder that this day and in the new year, and celebrate, rejoice in this!  In our fears, our temptations, our darkest hours, in this vale of tears, we have a tender, loving, compassionate mother to whom we can always turn, whom we can always trust.  Who will bring our prayers to her Son, and we can be confident that He listens to her whom he loves so very much!
So let us now turn to her in prayer and humbly ask her intercession:
Hail Mary….

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