Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve homily - 4pm (Children's Mass) St Kateri at St Margaret Mary

Good evening boys and girls –

Excited for Christmas?!

Anybody having a party – getting together with family to celebrate Christmas?

So let me ask you a question – WHAT is the BIG DEAL about Christmas?  Why the party?

Jesus is born – right.  It’s Jesus’ birthday party – exactly.  So when you get home, make sure everybody in your family, your moms, dads, brothers and sisters – make everybody sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.  Will you do that?

But let me ask you this – why do we celebrate Jesus’ birthday anyways?  Who is this Jesus dude?

The Son of God.  The Savior.  He is God.  All great answers.

Let me explain it a little bit – has anybody here ever been lost?   Maybe at an amusement park, or the zoo or at the mall – you got separated from your parents and were lost?

How’d that feel?  Pretty scary, huh? 

You see, everybody gets lost at times.  Even grown-ups.  My wife and I were out hiking up in the mountains a couple years ago and missed a turn in the trail and got lost after dark.  We couldn’t find our way, and even our cell phone wasn’t working – let me tell you we were REALLY SCARED.  We were hoping the park ranger would come looking for us, but nobody knew we were out there in the woods.

And sometimes it’s a different kind of lost – we lose our way, we do things we aren’t supposed to do, we do stuff that we know God doesn’t want us to.  And sometimes we feel hurt, or lonely, or abandoned.

Now God knows all of this – God is always watching us – not to catch us doing something wrong but because God loves us and cares for us and wants to help us.  You see, God didn’t just make you and me and then go tend his garden or go to his computer to play video games.  No, God cares for you every second of your life, every breath that you take. 

So God who is our Father knows when we are lost, and what do parents do when their kids are lost?

They go looking for them!  And that is what Christmas is all about.  God loves you and me so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to come looking for us, to find us, to bring us to safety.  To walk with us when we feel lonely.  To heal us when we feel hurt.  Emmanuel means “God with us” – Jesus was born this night 2000 years ago, a little tiny baby, and He lived and died and rose again and lives with us even today, right this moment!  That’s worth a party, don’t you think – that God is with us!?!

So there are three things I want you to remember from coming to Church tonight –

1.        God really loves us.  God loves me, and God loves each of you and God loves Father English and now turn around and look at everybody here – God loves every person here.  God loves us so much that He sent His Son to be with us.

2.       Jesus wants to be your friend.  He wants you to get to know Him, and to talk to Him.  To tell Him everything that’s going on in your life – share with Him that you scored a goal in the soccer game.  Or that you’re going to have a new baby sister or brother – whatever it is that brings you joy. 
And share with Him the bad stuff too.  Somebody’s picking on you, bullying you – let Him know that.  He will feel the pain you feel.  Maybe your parents are having an argument and you’re scared – bring that to Jesus.  Or your grandma is sick and you’re worried – let Him know that.
You see, the cool thing about Jesus is that He is God but He was born a baby just like you and me, and He had to grow up, He had to eat His vegetables and He got to know just what it was like to be a kid, and also to be an adult.  He knew what it was like to lose a loved one, He knew what it was like to get picked on, He even got beat up and crucified.  So He understands you and me.  He wants to be our friend.

3.       And this is the really great thing – He wants to be your friend FOREVER!  Even after you grow old and you’re 120 years old and it’s time to go to heaven – there He will be with each of us FOREVER!  He wants to take each of us by the hand and approach His Father and say, “this is my friend Mary or my friend Joe.  I’ve brought them to live with us forever!”  And there you and I will feel all the joy we feel at Christmas, only like 100X as much!  Every day.  For ever!

So – God loves us.  Jesus wants to be your friend.  Jesus wants to be your friend forever!  THAT’S the meaning of Christmas.  That’s why we’re all having a big party!

Now one more thing – if we’re going to be His friend, we have to spend time with Him.  We need to talk to Him in prayer.  We need to let Him know what’s happening in our lives all the time.  And we need to come here to Church because right here we meet Jesus in a very special way in the Eucharist.  We do this every single weekend here, and this is where we come to listen to His word and feed on Him – this is where we grow in His friendship.  So your homework is to go home and make sure you bring your parents back with you this Sunday!  Will you do that? 

Thanks for listening and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!  For today we receive the greatest gift of all – Jesus Christ the Lord!

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