Saturday, December 21, 2013

Preached Tuesday October 29 - 6:30a and 8a - St. Kateri at Christ the King

Today's Readings:

            I don’t do a lot of the cooking at home, but Sunday night is usually my night to cook, and my wife’s and my kids’ favorite seems to be my homemade pizza.  I make my own scratch dough, using a breadmaker which mixes the ingredients and warms the dough as it rises.  Often I’ll mix the ingredients, start the timer and we’ll go out for a walk.

            One day I came back from the walk and checked on the dough and there at the bottom of the breadmaker was a well-mixed but lifeless ball of dough.  Just sitting there, not rising at all.  I knew immediately that I had missed a rather important ingredient – the yeast, the leavening!

            Another time I came in and checked and realized I’d put in a bit too much yeast, or a bit too much water, or something, because the dough was pushing the top of the breadmaker open.  Bursting right out of the breadmaker!

            And so it is with the Kingdom of God.  Where the Kingdom is at work, where the Gospel is preached and reaches people’s hearts, the Word of God is like leaven, expanding and even perhaps bursting out!  But the converse is true also – where the Gospel is not preached and heard, where the values of today’s culture are too strong, there is no growth, no expansion, no transformation.

            We live in what some call a post-Christian culture.  Never before has our world been so in need of the leaven of the Kingdom of God.  You and I, my sisters and brothers, are called by our baptism to BE that leaven in our world.  That nourished at the table of the Lord, nourished by His Body and Blood, we go forth to be the presence of Christ in the world around us, in our homes, our community, our nation.  So that by our word and example, yours and mine, Christ may transform our world and continue to bring about His Kingdom.

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